Oakmont Rec Center

Swimming 4 for Children (6-12 yrs.) - A7C.DUFX

Prerequisite: Swimming 3 or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes improving confidence, skill proficiency, distance and endurance. Skills include diving progression from side in deep water, swimming under water three body lengths, swimming front crawl, elementary backstroke, back crawl and breaststroke 25 yards, lap swimming techniques and safety and treading water for 30 seconds.

notes No Class: none
This activity is Ages 6 to 12 years
07/05/2022 - 07/28/2022
Tue Thu : 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Total days: 8

Enrollment Fee

Description Price
Regular $130.00
You may register between 04/26/2022 and 07/14/2022.