Providence Rec Center

Paddle & Explore (8-12 yrs.) - 8E4.TVG4

(8-12 yrs.) Fish & Explore takes campers off-site to learn kayaking skills while getting up close to native wildlife along waterways, ponds and lakes. Beach stops allow campers to wade and observe, catch, photograph and release frogs, toads, tadpoles, salamanders, lizards, turtles and other small critters. Life jackets are provided and required while kayaking. Bring lunch, snack, water bottle, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel. A signed waiver form is required. Once registered, download camp forms from website.

This activity is Ages 8 to 12 years
07/31/2023 - 08/04/2023
Weekdays : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Total days: 5

Enrollment Fee

Description Price
Regular $580.00
You may register between 01/10/2023 and 08/04/2023.