Flint Hill Elementary School

Level Up Gaming with LEGO Materials (7-12yrs) - UEM.7DLQ

(7-12 yrs.) Join our “offline” video game experience where we give the controllers a rest and put your building skills to the test as we bring your favorite characters from the virtual world to the real world. Using LEGO®, we will build worlds for Mario to jump through, mechanisms to make Sonic spin and take down Robotnik, as well as your own custom Smash Bros. arenas to battle in. Under the guidance of a Play-Well instructor, you will gear up to take down the final boss. Once registered, download camp forms from website.

This activity is Ages 7 to 12 years
07/15/2024 - 07/19/2024
Weekdays : 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Total days: 5

Enrollment Fee

Description Price
Regular $229.00
You may register between 01/23/2024 and 07/19/2024.