Sangster Elementary School

Clay Makers (6-12 yrs.) by Vendor - OAQ.ULHQ

(6-12 yrs.) Lean the magic of clay by creating jewelry for mom, animals in the wild, a garden of flowers and bugs, keychain emojis or new additions to an old mug. The possibilities are endless in this Baroody Camps program. Students will use their clay craft tool kit to tackle projects to see how creative they can be. Materials are included in the price of the class.

This activity is Ages 6 to 12 years
06/26/2024 - 07/31/2024
Wed : 5:30 PM - 6:25 PM
Total days: 6

Enrollment Fee

Description Price
Regular $122.00
You may register between 04/23/2024 and 07/13/2024.