Pee Wee Paddler 1 (3-5 yrs.)

(3-5 yrs.) Prerequisite: Child must leave parent willingly, be comfortable in the water, follow directions and function well in a group. When possible, children are grouped by ability. Class emphasizes helping children gain basic aquatic skills including entering and exiting the water safely, blowing bubbles with mouth and nose submerged, submerging under water. With assistance students learn to float and glide on front and back, rolling from front to back and back to front, swimming using arms and legs on front and back at least two body lengths. For safety reasons, flotation devices may be used. Flotation devices are used for all Pee Wee 1 classes at Audrey Moore and Franconia Rec Centers.

Pee Wee Paddler 2 (3-5 yrs.)

(3-5 yrs.) Prerequisites: Pee Wee Paddler 1 or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes helping children increase independence in their skill performance while continuing to increase comfort in the water. Skills include bobbing, floating and gliding on front and back with and without assistance, swimming on front and back at least three body lengths with and without assistance. Flotation devices may be used.

Advanced Water Aerobics (13-Adult)

This high-energy, cardio-intensive class uses water resistance to give you maximum fitness benefits. This program is for the experienced water aerobics student who wants a more intense workout and for anyone who wants to cross-train or enhance overall fitness.

Aerobic Water Exercise (13-Adult)

This shallow-water class provides cardiovascular workout and increases muscle tone, strength and endurance. ~

Arthritis Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Shallow-water exercises using water's buoyancy and resistance helps improve your overall range of motion, joint mobility and muscle strength. While this class is designed for students with arthritis, it is open to those who have other physical limitations.~

Baby & Me Swim (6 mos.-18 mos.)

(6 mos.-18 mos.) Register your baby for this class designed for babies and their parent(s), or other favorite adult who want to learn water adjustment and aquatic skills together. Learn how to enter and exit the water in a safe manner, feel comfortable in the water and explore submerging to the mouth, nose and eyes. Explore buoyancy on front and back, change body position and learn safety information. Two adults may participate with each child. Babies must wear tight-fitting swim diaper and plastic pants under bathing suit.

Butterfly & Breaststroke Clinic 2 7-18

(7-18 yrs.) Prerequisite: Ability to swim 15 yards of butterfly and breaststroke with breathing technique. Clinic emphasizes refining butterfly and breaststroke to increase efficiency and swimming distances. Starts and turns for these stokes are reviewed.

Deep Water Exercise (13-Adult)

Prerequisite: Students must be able to swim 25 yards continuously. Take the plunge for a no-impact workout. You use a variety of deep water exercises and running techniques to get the maximum benefit from water's natural resistance. ~

Freestyle & Backstroke Clinic 2 7-18 yr

Prerequisite: Ability to swim 25 yds. freestyle with side breathing and backstroke. Clinic emphasizes refining freestyle and backstrokes using drills to increase stroke proficiency. Starts and turns for these strokes are also reviewed.

Intro to Pee Wee Paddler (2.5-3.5 yrs.)

(2.5-3.5 yrs.) Intro to Pee Wee Paddler introduces 2-year 6 month to 3 year 6-month-old children to floating, kicking, paddling, submerging, and water safety skills in a unique setting designed to prepare the child for the next session of Pee Wee Paddler I once they turn 3 years 6 months. This class has a smaller instructor-student ratio with no more than 4 students allowed per instructor. Children must function well in a group setting without a parent. Non-potty-trained participants must wear swim diapers under swimsuit- no disposable or cloth diapers are allowed.

Intro to Swimming for Children (5-8 yrs.)

(5-8 yrs.) Prerequisite: Children must be able to function in a group setting. Class emphasizes helping participants gain basic swimming and water safety skills and overcome fear of water. Skills include entering and exiting water safely, blowing bubbles through mouth and nose. With assistance students learn to float on front and back, glide on front and back, roll over from front to back and back to front and swim at least two body lengths on front and back using arms and legs.

Lap Swim (13-Adult)

This class focuses on increasing your physical endurance and swim distance. Workouts are designed to meet class abilities and to improve overall physical fitness through lap swimming. Students are also taught to design a personal workout and to use the pace clock. ~

Pee Wee Paddler 3 (4-6 yrs.)

(4-6 yrs.) Prerequisites: Pee Wee II or equivalent skill proficiency. Class emphasizes helping children gain basic swimming propulsive skills and increase endurance and distance without assistance or using flotation devices. Skills include jumping in chest deep water, submerging and holding breath five seconds, bobbing, treading water, swimming front crawl 10 yards, and on back five yards.

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