AHG Explorer - Our Constitution

This program focuses on many of the requirements for the Badge.

AHG PIPA - Freedom Seekers

This program focuses on fulfilling the requirements of the badge.

Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge

This program satisfies most of the requirements to earn the badge. Scouts must complete all prework before the start of class. Pre-work and program details available at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/scouts. Scouts unable to complete all requirements may receive partial credit from their merit badge counselor.

Dark Sky Patch - Daisy & Brownie

(5-9 yrs.) This patch will help you understand the importance of dark skies and how you can protect this resource. You will learn about light pollution, see the effect of light pollution yourself, learn how you can make changes to reduce light pollution, and share what you have learned with others. This program was made possible by support from the Fairfax County Park Foundation. Patch included.

Dark Sky Patch- Junior & Cadettes

(8-13 yrs.) This patch will help you understand the importance of dark skies and how you can protect this resource. You will learn about light pollution, see the effect of light pollution yourself, learn how you can make changes to reduce light pollution, and share what you have learned with others. This program was made possible by support from the Fairfax County Park Foundation. Patch included.

Discover Cain’s Branch Trail

(6-Adult) Hike the trail and learn about the history of abandoned sites hidden from most visitor’s view. Follow trails of forested areas and Cain’s Branch waterway to learn about the life of early inhabitants who made Sully their home. This outdoor guided program does involve some walking over uneven terrain and along trails. Program is held weather permitting.


Satisfies most of the requirements to earn the badge. See site’s website for details. This title allows online group registration.

Mapping the Past for Homeschoolers

(7-13 yrs.) Supplement your historical studies with a fun day of exploring, interpreting and making maps. Try your hand at orienteering, learn about different types of maps from around the world, and take home a personalized map of your life.

Sully Historic House Tour

(All Ages) Enjoy a 45-minute tour of the 1794 dwelling, built for Richard Bland Lee, Northern Virginia’s first Congressman. The story includes his family, political career and the life of the enslaved community that supported Sully. Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, Sully is on the National Register of Historic Places and is part of the National Park Service Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. Private tours available upon request. Please contact the site for details. Click "Next" below this listing to see additional time slots are available.

Surviving Unplugged - Foraging and Gardening

(6-Adult) Discover the bounty of edible plants in your backyard and learn practical knowledge about cultivating herbs with culinary and medicinal benefits. Explore Sully's collections and stories as examples of how the people of Sully survived without todays modern conveniences.

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