Dance with your Pooch (16-Adult)

(16-Adult) This class is a great opportunity to exercise and dance with your pet dog while enjoying popular music. Students learn dance moves and how to take your dance routine to a higher level. Students and their dog learn dance moves and can put on a show at parties and other events. This is not a dog training class. Prerequisite: Dog and owner must have completed a Dog Obedience level I class or have permission of instructor. Dogs must be at least 8 months old and show no signs of aggression.

Dog Agility for Fun of It III (13-Adult)

(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Dog Agility for the Fun of It II/Competitive Dog Agility II. Class is designed for dogs with an excellent command of all equipment and handlers ready to learn skills such as front and rear crosses, serpentines and pinwheels. Full courses are run using all of the equipment. Dogs must be able to handle each apparatus off leash. Bring dogs to first class. ~

Dog Agility for Fun of It IV (13-Adult)

(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Dog Agility for the Fun of It III/Competitive Dog Agility III. Class is designed for dogs with an excellent command of all equipment and handlers who want to learn advanced skills. Full courses are run using all of the equipment. Dogs must be able to handle each apparatus off leash. Bring dogs to first class.

Dog Agility for the Fun of It II (13-Adult)

(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Agility for the Fun of it I or Dog Agility I. More fun with agility sequences and obstacle performance. Dogs must know obedience behaviors sit, lie down, stay and come and be reliable off leash. Confidence in performing contact obstacles (A-frame and dog walk) is required. Bring dogs to first class. ~

Dog Obedience I (14-Adult)

(14-Adult) Includes home management, discipline and problem solving. Methods employed are affection and restraint. Dogs must be at least 6 months old. ~

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