Bluebells and Bloodroots

(Adults) Learn to identify Riverbend's beautiful spring ephemerals, and discover the folklore that has grown up around them. Meet at Visitor Center to walk along the banks of the Potomac River. Canceled if it rains.

Bluebells at the Bend

(5-Adult) Celebrate the Virginia Bluebells that carpet the early spring forest! Enjoy wildflower walks, live animals, exhibitors, live music, kids crafts and food. Cost $10 per person online until 4/4, $15 per person day of event admission.

Spring Wildflowers & Bald Eagles Family Walk

(4-Adult) Join us on a family wildflower and eagle watching walk. A scavenger hunt helps kids find spring wildflowers as we walk between the Virginia Bluebells towards the Bald Eagle nest. A spotting scope and binoculars are available for viewing the Bald Eagles on their nest. Return to the Visitor Center for Bluebell crafts. This program is held entirely outdoors.

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