Garden Talk - Attracting Bees, Butterflies & Bugs

(Adults) Put out the welcome mat for pollinators such as bees, birds and beneficial insects by providing a garden in plant diversity for food and habitat. Extension Master Gardeners help you with plant lists and share techniques for attracting these pollinators. 

Garden Talk - Design a Deer Resistant Garden 

(Adults) Discover how to prevent uninvited deer from helping themselves to your garden by planting deer resistant trees, shrubs and perennials and by using a combination of fencing and repellents. Extension Master Gardeners will help you develop an effective strategy to protect your garden. 

Garden Talk - Gardening for Hummingbirds

(Adults) Perhaps one of the most beloved birds in gardening, hummingbirds, astonish us with their aerial acrobatics, their beauty and the important role they play in the garden. Extension Master Gardeners share what plants encourage them to visit your garden and what feeders are best. 

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