Fairfax NCS

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NCS RECDynamics System

The Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services offers a wide variety of activities, programs, and services for individuals of all ages, abilities, and interests. Gain access to a whole new world of amazing experiences by registering for your membership at a Fairfax County Community, Senior, Teen and/or Technology Center.

NCS Connects
For youth and teens, we have NCS Connects, which features weekly activities from NCS Community and Teen Centers, plus on-demand resources for students of all abilities in grades 1-12 and their parents.



Virtual Center for Active Adults For adults, we offer the Virtual Center for Active Adults, where you can connect with peers, engage in a variety of classes -both live and on demand- and discover useful resources.


For new customers, click 'Create Account' on the top right-hand corner of the homepage. You must have an account to make reservations or make any other purchases online. Please see our FAQ page for help with common questions about the system.


Note: If you have any technical difficulties creating or recovering an account, please contact the NCS RECDynamics Processing Unit at NCS-RMSProcessing@fairfaxcounty.gov or by clicking Contact Us.